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So many amazing companies trust DLH.io for synchronizing, preparing, cleansing, transforming, and managing their data.

Public Sector - Technology Company | Tuscaloosa, AL

How City Detect used DLH.io to streamline their IoT and platform throughput by 300%

From infrastructure, data preparation, and modern data stack acceleration, the DLH.io value proposition is obvious.

City Detect Logo Vertical

The platform and assistance from the DLH.io team has enabled us reach our data pipeline goals faster than we could by building something internally. It enabled us to fous on other strategic options.


CEO, City Detect

City Detect invests in continous data integration for their groundbreaking IoT

City Detect is a technology company servicing municipalities by generating geographic mapping  of blight that causes issues and raises costs for tax payers.  In so doing, terabytes of data are generated on a daily basis and each municipalit customer requires analytical summarized reporting that is coordinated through data workflows, ML work flows, and other custom processing logic.  Instead of building pipeline orchestration they turned to DLH.io to accelerate their infrastructure and data movement.

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Bring your data together and use our centralized metrics catalog and pre-built metrics to accelerate actionable insights in your organization.

Bring your data together and use our centralized metrics catalog and pre-built metrics to accelerate actionable insights in your organization.

Bring your data together and use our centralized metrics catalog and pre-built metrics to accelerate actionable insights in your organization.

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