Logistics & Transportation | Texas

Days of Manual Data Gymnastics in Excel Removed at Elite Logistics Group

Systems of Record: Beans Route, Excel

Elite Logistics Logo
  • 12 Hours per Week Saved

    Hours per week saved downloading and massaging data in Excel

  • $24,456 Additonal Revenue Identified

    $24,456 - Revenue identified to be missing in reconciliation reports

  • 17% CSAT Increase

    Increase in employee satisfaction across the organization

The Challenge

In the fast-paced world of package delivery, efficiency is the name of the game. For small multiple carriers (MCs) like Elite Logistics Group every minute counts. To stay competitive and ensure timely deliveries, they needed a solution that would help them streamline their operations, reduce manual tasks, and boost revenue. The answer? Automating data collection and visualization with DataLakeHouse.io.

Revolutionizing Data Management

Gone are the days of manual payout reconciliation and spreadsheet acrobatics at Elite Logistics Group. They’ve embraced modern technology to take their business to new heights. This transformation began with the implementation of cutting-edge data automation tools that simplified the collection of critical information.

CEO, Monica Villarreal emphasized the impact of this change on their revenue streams, stating:

Monica Elite Logistics Headshot

“Automating data collection has been paramount for our small multiple carrier business. We’ve not only eliminated the risk of human error but also accelerated our ability to collect and process data. This has directly contributed to a substantial increase in our revenue.”

Monica V.
CEO, Elite Logistics Group

Harnessing the Power of Data Visualization

But the transformation didn’t stop there. Elite Logistics Group took their data game to the next level by incorporating robust data visualization tools. The ability to turn raw numbers into insightful graphs and charts has been a game-changer for the company.

“DataLakeHouse.io has given us a bird’s-eye view of our operations. We’ve been able to collect thousands of dollars that were shorted to us by parcel companies and we had the data to prove it. As a small business this is the difference that’s made business profitable.

Monica V.
CEO, Elite Logistics Group

From Reconciliation Reports to Delivering Packages

Prior to automation, a significant chunk of Elite Logistics Group’s time was spent on generating and reconciling reports, leaving less time for what truly matters – delivering packages. Now, with their data-driven approach, they’ve managed to reallocate their precious time and resources where it counts the most.


Elite Logistics Group’s journey from manual data gymnastics in Excel to automated data collection and visualization is a testament to the transformative power of DataLakeHouse.io with MCs in the package delivery industry. With the leadership of CEO Monica Villarreal and the dedication of their team, they’ve not only increased revenue but also improved the overall efficiency of their operations.

In an industry where time is money and you are only paid for what you deliver, Elite Logistics Group’s success story serves as a beacon of hope for small multiple carriers looking to thrive in the world of package delivery.

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